Friday 15 April 2016


When we talk about the best medication in the world. We talk about water (pure). It has to be said withoput any possibility of contradiction that water is the best medication in the world.

Because it is a solvent, it dissolves fat, thus generous consumption will be of great help

Whether you are bitten by mosquitoes or not, you need to drink water to flush the system daily and throughout the day. Upon waking up, you should drink a minimum of one litre of room temperature clean water, 45 minutes before brushing your teeth and before eating. thirty minutes before food, you should drink half a litre of water.

Furthermore avoid eating after 7.00pm and get used to eating heavy meals, only in the afternoon. Even at that time only eat just enough so that you are no longer hungry. But for water, carry go. Unless in cases of kidney failur, where you need caution. And in between meals.