Wednesday, 25 May 2016


  1. Nnendu Retinol/Axerophtol/Biosterol. Commonly known as  vitamin A and anti-infective vitamin
Its therapeutics uses: skin cancer, gastric ulcers, acne, eczema, psoriasis, night blindness. Other functions: sight, skin, mucous membranes, anti-infective, protein synthesis, bones, anti-anemia, growth.

  1. Nnendu Thiamin/Aneurin. Commonly known as vitamin B complex. Therapeutic uses: beriberi, improvement of mental ability, insect repellant, indigestion, improving heart-functions, alcoholism, lumbago, sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, facial paralysis, optic neuritis. Other function: acts as coenzyme in converting glucose into energy in muscles and nerves.
  2. Nnendu Riboflavin/Lactoflavin. Commonly known as vitamin G and vitamin B2.  Therapeutic uses: mouth ulcers, gastric and duodenal ulcers, eye ulceration. Other functions:  acts as coenzymes flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin dinucleotide (FDN) in converting protein, fats and sugars into energy. Needed to repair and maintain body tissues and mucous membranes. Acts in conversion of tryptyphane to nicotinic acid along with vitamin B6.
  3. Nnendu pyridoxine/pyridoxal. Commonly known as anti-depression vitamin and vitamin B6. Therapeutic uses: nausea (morning sickness). Other functions: asthma, urticaria, mental retardation, premenstrual tension, convulsions.  
  4. Nnendu Biotin. Commonly known as vitamin H. Therapeutic uses: seborrheic dermatitis, leiner’s disease, alopecia, scalp diseases, possibly to prevent cot (crib) deaths. Other functions: as coenzyme in wide vaiety of body actions including: energy production, maintaining healthy skin, hair, sweat glands, nerves, bone marrow, sex glands.
  5. Nnendu  Ascorbic Acid/Anti-Scorbutic Acid/Hexuronic Acid/Cevitamin Acid/L-Xyloascorbic Acid/Acorbylpalmitate/Ascorbyl Nicotinate/White Crystalline Power. Therapeutic uses: scurvy, iron-deficiency anaemia, bleeding under the skin, respiratory diseases., bleeding gums, psychiatric states, cold and influenza, cancer, high blood cholesterol levels, anti-histamine, alcoholism, arthritis and leg cramps. Other functions: maintains healthy bones, healthy teeth, healthy blood system, healthy sex organs and as natural anti-histamine
  6. Nnendu Calcium.  Therapeutic uses: rickets, osteomalacia, tetany, osteoporosis, celiac disease, allergy complaints, as detoxifying agent in lead, mercury, aluminum and cadmium poisoning. Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, over-activity arthritis, muscle and joint pains, pregnancy, breast-feeding. Other functions: builds and maintains healthy bones and teeth. Controls excitability of nerves and muscles. Controls conduction of nerves impulses. Controls blood cholesterols levels, assists in absorption of vitamin B12
  7. Nnendu  Choline. Also known as amanitine., liptropic factor. Active constituent of lecithin. Therapeutic uses: angina, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, stroke, high blood-pressure, alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia. Other functions: as fat-stabilizing agent, as precursor of betaine. Needed in metabolism, acetylcholine, nerve substance, as component of lecithin.
  8. Nnendu Copper. Therapeutic uses: treating deficiency symptoms. As supplements in treating those with deficiency anemia. Rheumatoid arthritis, intra-uterine device in contraception. Other functions: co-factor for many enzymes e.g. natural coloring pigments that form in skin and hair. Those need for skin healing. Those that protect against toxic agents. Those concerned with nerve impulses in the brain blood formation, when it aids iron absorption into hemoglobin. In formation of healthy bones. In developing resistance to infection.
  9. Nnendu Ergocalciferol. Commonly known as  vitamin D. Therapeutic uses: rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis. Other functions: only as 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D which is produced by the liver and kidneys from dietary or skn vitamin D. the active form 1,25-dihydroxy D. promotes absorption of calcium and phosphate from the food. Causes release of calcium from the bone.
  10. Nnendu  D-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate/D –Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate. Commonly known as vitamin E. Therapeutic Uses: INTERMITTEN CLAUDICATION, CELEBRAL THROMBOSIS, CORONARY THROMBOSIS, Atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebtis, menstrual problems, low fertility, skin ulcers, diabetic gangrene, nerve, joint and muscular complaints, haemolytic anaemia, cystic breast disease, oxygen excess in premature babies, direct application to: scar tissue, stretch marks, sunburn, burns, scalds.
  11. Nnendu Folic Acid. Also known as vitamin Bc; vitamin M; petroyl glutamic acid, PGA; liver lactobacillus casei factor; folacin; anti-anemia vitamin; yellow orange crystalline powder. Therapeutic uses: preventing deficiency consequences, megaloblastic anemia, schizophrenia, mental deterioration, psychosis, malabsorption diseases e.g. sprue. Other functions: needed for metabolism of RNA (ribonucleic acids) and DNA (deoxy-ribonucleic acids) in the body cell protein synthesis. Blood formation. Genetic code transmission. Builds up resistance to infection in new-born and infants.
  12. Nnendu Inositol. Therapeutic uses: reducing blood cholesterol. Restoring healthy hair. With vitamin E to treat nerve damage. Anti-anxiety agent. Treating irritability, treating schizophrenia. Other functions: as fat-solubilizing agent. Mild anti-anxiety agent. Maintains healthy hair. Controls blood cholesterol level.
  13. Nnendu Iodine. Functions: the function of iodine reside solely in its presence in the thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine and thyroxine. These hormones determine the level of metabolism in the body. i.e. essentially the rate at which we live. They are necessary for converting food into energy and the way we dissipate that energy.
  14. Nnendu Iron. Therapeutic uses: iron-defiencient anemia. Generalized itching. Impaired mental performance in the young. Other functions: in hemoglobin acts as oxygen carrier in red blood cells, in myoblobin acts as oxygen reservoir in muscles. In body cells acts in oxygen transfer in cytochromes. Present in enzyme catalase which protects against peroxide poison. In developing resistance to infection
  15. Nnendu Phytomenaduione/Phyloqunone, Phytylmenadione. Commonly known as vitamin K. Therapeutic uses: hemorrhagic disease of new born. Inability to absorb fats. In long-term antibiotic treatment. Treating toxic effects of anti-coagulant drops eg. Warfarin. Other functions: sole function is in control of blood clotting.
  16. Nnendu Magnesium. Therapeutic uses: premenstrual tension. Menstrual cramps. Toxemia of pregnancy. Morning sickness. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Atherosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis. Angina. Abnormal and irregular heartbeats. Epilepsy. Alcoholism. Kidney stones. Insomnia. Hyperactivity in children.
  17. Nnendu  Molybdenum. Therapeutic uses: may be of benefit in those conditions resulting in deficiency but no clinical trials carried out yet.  Has been used to remove excess copper from body. Other functions: prevention of dental caries. Iron metabolism. Uric acid excretion (nitrogen excretory product). Maintains normal sexual function in male.
  18. Nnendu Niacin/Nicotinic Acid/Niacide. Commonly known as vitamin PP (pellagra-preventing) or  PP factor. Therapeutic uses: childhood schizophrenia. Alcohol addiction. Tobacco addiction. Arthritis. Reducing blood cholesterol (niacin only). Other functions: acts as coenzymes NAD( nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) in cell respiration. Produces energy from sugars, fats and protein. Maintains healthy skn, nerves, brain, tongue, digestive system.
  19. Nnendu Pantothenic Acid. Generally accepted as vitamin B5. Therapeutic uses: rheumatoid arthritis. Paralytic ileus. Allergic skin reactions. Reduction of mucous secretion in respiration allergies. Stress situations. Other functions: As coenzyme A in production of energy. Production of anti-stress hormones. Controlling fat metabolism. Formation of antibodies. Maintaining healthy nerves. Detoxifying drugs.

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