Friday, 20 May 2016


As both vitamin B1 and C are partly destroyed in the body and passed out in the urine. Supplies must constantly be replenished. The body will not store B1, as it does A and D. So if living far from centers where foods containing B1 can be obtained. It is as well to stock with Nnendu Thiamin/Aneurin.
If there is a serious shortage of B1 loss of appetite or craving for unnatural foods will result (birds and animals eat their feathers or their excreta). There will be indigestion. Diarrhea, alternating with constipation and possibly colitis (inflammation of the colon or large bowel). Lassitude or loss of weight. Headaches, a tendency to dropsy and rough, unhealthy skin. Sun-normal temperature, palpitations and heart trouble.
These early symptoms grows more worse. If the body contuse to be deprived of the vitamin. And when there is an absolute dearth of the vitamin B1, the state known as beriberi is present. Legs grow numb an calf muscles painful. The entire body becomes emaciated and partly paralyzed. And there is  a peculiar kind of heart trouble. In which the right side of the heart grows enlarged and the rate of heart beat increases
Sometimes, instead of becoming emaciated, the body swells with water. This is none as wet beri beri.  And unless potent vitamin B1 like Nnendu Thiamin/Anerin is given in large doses, the patient will die.
In 1912, an experiment was carried out in Billibid prison, Philippine Islands. Where 26 men were under sentence of death. Drs. R.P. Strong and R.C.Crowell  got the authorities to agree to substitute long terms of imprisonment  for the death sentences. If prisoners would consent to take part in food experiment.
They were fed exclusively on refined and denatured foods, mainly polish rice. After 6 weeks, there were signs of anemia, water logging, swelling of feet and ankles, puffiness under the eyes, swelling of the thighs and muscular weakness. Finally the prisoners’ heart grew feeble-all signs of what was then known as prison edema.
These guinea pigs were allowed to mingle freely with the other inmates. But the condition was not contagious. When they were on the verge of collapse, they were given natural brown rice. Which quickly restored them to health.
Is their connection between vitamin B1 (and perhaps other vitamins) and paralysis of every kind. For vitamin B1 have been called nerve vitamin. And lack of it, tends to cause paralysis.
Without doubt there is, though we don’t know precisely what. One polio patient attended by Dr. McCormick was a 14 year old boy in Guelph, Ontario. He went down with acute poliomyelitis, fever, headache, vomiting, sore throat, stiff neck and pains in arms and legs on 15th October 1938. Five days later  he was taken into Toronto for treatment and after five days of vitamin B1 therapy. Muscle pains, which were so severe that codeine had to be administered, were eased and then disappeared. On 7th November he was discharged, being completely free from any signs of polio.
Lack of B1 is not the only one which tends to cause paralysis. Others too like B2, B6 and E have similar effects
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