Friday, 20 May 2016

Why Nnendu Riboflavin

Not till 1926 did scientist know for certain that the vitamin they called B was really many vitamins all rolled into one. And that the various parts, when broken down and isolated, would cure diseases unrelated to each other.
Originally the B Complex was called B2 or riboflavin. Because at that time, it was taught that riboflavin is the cure for pellagra. But as we have explained somewhere in this our blog. It is nicotinic acid.
For years men have suffered from a disease called cheilosis or aribofalvinosis (without riboflavin). Without knowing it was caused or how it could be cured. Shortly scientist discovered that cheilosis could be induced by depriving the system of riboflavin (B2)
In Cheilosis, facial skin reddens and crack at the edges of the mouth. Lips and tongue grow abnormally red. Skin at the mouth of the folds between nostrils and cheeks becomes greasy and sheds. The cornea of the eyes and underneath’s  of the eyelids grow sore. In extreme cases cataracts, which now can be arrested by taking B2.
Often women who suffer from cracked, rough skin use expensive face cream to feed it. Whereas what they really need is much more Vitamin B2 in their food. Or If they will only be taking Nnendu Roboflavin. They will observe a starling improvement. Instead, through ignorance they clog their pores with costly grease and continue to eat foods denude of both mineral s and vitamins.
It was once imagined that vitamin A was the eye vitamin. Many however, who suffered from glare-blindness and defective vision in dim light failed to respond to vitamin A treatment. But were cured when riboflavin was administered.
According to professor Ida Mann of Oxford University and her colleague Dr. Antoinette Pirie. Who together have done considerable research on the eyes.  B2 is vital for healthy eyes and good sight. There are for instance no blood vessels from the cornea and sclera or white of the eye. But if there is a deficiency of riboflavin in the system. The blood vessels in the conjuvicta. Grows into the  cornea and may even continue to the area of the pupil. Opaque spots appear in the cornea and the eye grows inflamed and sore.
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