Friday, 20 May 2016

WHY Nnendu B12

There is a recent  addition to the family of B-Complex. Called the Vitamin B12. It is the vitamin that holds out hope to all anemics.
Anemia occurs when the blood is deficient in red blood corpuscles or hemoglobin or both.  At first in Europe Iron was the specific for anemia, though advance cases did not respond.
Whereas ordinarily anemia could be cured by iron. Either in solid or liquid form. Pernicious anemia could not and for a doctor to say. That a patient had this disease was tantamount to a sentence of death.
Blood contains red and white corpuscles. The red vastly predominating. These are manufactured in the most carefully protected areas of the body. Namely; the interiors of the bones and ribs.
Dr. George Minot an American discovered some years ago. That victims of pernicious anemia also suffered from a wasting of the stomach and a wasting of blood.
He and other scientist like Dr. Bill Murphy decided that pernicious anemia was caused by the immobilization or lack of some enzyme created in the stomach. Which prevents the digestive organs from converting iron into red blood corpuscles.
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