Wednesday, 18 May 2016

The safest, most natural way to purge the body of heavy metals and contaminants – it's doctors' little-known secret

Join the  People,
who have cleansed and strengthened their bodies with this natural method! Find out how to do the same step by step and maintain good health for years
to come. All you need to do is drink these tasty seeds with water every day...

Loved by the people, Nnendu Organic Detox are now even more effective!

If you want to detox your body...
If you have harmed your body with toxins...
If you suffer from annoying constipation
and bloating...
If you have trouble with bowel movements...
If you have high cholesterol...
When you are tired...
Are you looking for proven recipes?
Recipes that are scientifically tested and proven?

The Nnendu Organic Detox have undergone laboratory tests
It can be frustrating to keep trying methods
that deliver only average results.
They're expensive and usually full of chemicals.
They promise you the earth but don't do the job.
Now you don't need to keep playing roulette with your health!
We offer you an instant win and amazing results – with no side effects.
With Nnendu Organic Detox  you’ll speed up your metabolism and improve digestive health.

But before I tell you about them, explore a handful of surprising facts:

  • 95% of people have harmful substances in their bodies.
  • Research conducted for Mapa Zdrowia in 2009 showed that 40% of people do not know that these harmful substances actually remain and accumulate in the body.
  • People spend a fortune on ineffective supplements that give only shortlived improvements.
  • Only about 10% of people lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly undergo a detox. They're the ones who live longest and healthiest.
  • According to Mapa Zdrowia 90% of people do nothing to prevent serious ailments but wait until they're ill to do something about it. Do you really want to wait till you're really suffering before you act to counter long-term neglect of your physical health, unhealthy lifestyles and lack of exercise?
  • "Efficient removal of toxins from the body supports the fight against obesity and being overweight." - CEF Portal
  • On average 50% of women and 25% men suffer constipation.
  • One in two people aged over 40 has problems with bowel movements.
  • More than 58 500 people have chosen Nnendu Organic Detox  to detox their bodies.

And it's all because... toxins can be deadly

They play havoc with our physical health. They reduce quality of life and are the cause of many ailments. They skillfully poison us, slowly over time. Day by day pile up in our bodies and we lose the energy to expel them in such huge quantities.
After a few years ... our health begins to fail and we end up miserable as we develop one disease after another.
So if you are tired, lack energy or are missing the enthusiasm to do anything – that's a sign your body is in urgent need of a detox treatment.

A body poisoned with toxins
performs worse and worse.

Fecal masses that you don't excrete accumulate in your body. They can amount to pounds in weight. And they sit in your intestines.
You go to the toilet but some of this waste stays in you.
The result? Illness, bacteria and bad mood.
Storing up dangerous substances takes years. It's a silent but deadly process. You only feel its effects years down the line. But when it starts creates chaos in the body and requires expensive drugs to treat.
STOP! It doesn't have to be this way. You can save yourself from these horrors and secure a healthy life for yourself.
People are shocked when they weight themselves after using our detox treatment. They feel light and blissful when they've dumped the hard fecal masses from their bodies. Some people have lost an amazing 11 pounds in weight.
Digestive system

Keep clean inside
and live longer

Our intestines, liver and kidneys are in charge of keeping our bodies clean. These organs work closely together to detox the body.
It's a simple equation – keep your body clean and you'll have a better life and no health problems. A pure body gives you a happy mind.
Various detox methods exist. Most are loaded with chemicals, expensive and have side effects. You need something completely different – a proven and natural way to detox your body. It's been recommended by experts and our countrymen.
This method comes from the mysterious Nigerian herbs.
Our droplets remove settled toxic substances, fungi and parasites from your body.
They remove everything that's outstayed its welcome and harms your health. In short: they give your body round-the-clock protection and significantly improve quality of life.
But only by combining these two components can we create the unique blend that delivers this breakthrough efficiency. This mix is Nnendu Organic Detox.

The Secret of Nnendu Organic Detox

Nnendu Organic Detox is a special combination of Nigeria herbs prepared under the supervision of nutrition experts and herbalists over many years, highly experienced practitioners who has been devising herb mixtures for many years.
Our team has developed an effective formula that is breaking records for popularity. This magical combination of the grain works for people of all ages.

Advantage of Nnendu Organic Detox over other detox methods

  • Causes mild
  • Zero side effects
  • 100% natural
  • It supports daily functioning
  • Improves the function of organs that remove toxic substances
  • Triumphs over even the most unhealthy lifestyles, including addictions, poor diet, lack of exercise and stress
  • Fibre Primvital passed specific composition and purity tests
Nnendu Organic Detox works like a vacuum pump
- it removes all rubbish from the body.

Scientifically tested

Nnendu Organic Detox  is the only fully natural supplement on market with such a high content of fibre.
In this unique blend of Nigerian Herbs there are up to 73 g of fibre per 100 g of product.
This is beats all the available natural supplements as well as all natural foods – for example, bran contains only 48 g of fibre per 100 g of product.
„People who eat a lot of fibre smile more often than those whose diet is poor in this substance.”
- says Professor Andrew Smith of Cardiff University in Wales.
Read carefully:

Here's what Nnendu Organic Detox  can do for you

Poisoned red cell

Remove dangerous toxins

Rapid elimination of toxins Nnendu Organic Detox removes all the harmful compounds from your body.
Nnendu Organic Detox contain special substances which swell in the intestines and cleanse them. As a result, you'll feel your metabolism improve significantly.
Nutritionists recommend at least 3-4 months treatments to get the best results. But you can start to feel some of the benefits and improvements from fibre much earlier!
And after a few months... what do you think will happen? How will you feel after a few months of your healthy adventure with  Nnendu Organic Detox
  • You'll prevent the onset of symptoms such as: trouble with bowel movements, constipation, bloating.
  • If it's too late to prevent these ailments occurring Nnendu Organic Detox  will help you get over them and move on.
  • You'll feel better. In fact you'll feel great. But how can you be sure?
It's like cleaning. When you wipe dirt off, you feel a breath of freshness. It's like a walk in the fresh air on the Baltic coast. You feel an increase in vitality and zest for life.
You get rid of harmful toxins and other substances from your body. Your well-being increase and you feel pure inside and your energy levels soar.
Your body will thank you for detoxing many times over. Especially in our modern age with its unhealthy foods and fast lifestyles. Remember! – your body absorbs toxins and pollutants like a sponge soaks up water.
By using Fibre Primvital you strengthen your internal defence system.Nnendu Organic Detox  cleverly protects you from ailments and blocks dangerous toxins.
Old ang young women

Slow down the aging process

Look younger Nnendu Organic Detox  neutralizes the free radicals that are cause aging.
Neutralization of free radicals is nothing more than slowing negative changes in your skin.
Damaged skin and healthy skin

Cleanses thoroughly

Experience the detox for yourself. Cleansing and detoxing the body has a positive effect all over.
Regular grooming inside the body is a recipe for a healthy body.
When Nnendu Organic Detox  cleans out the intestines of rotting leftovers you will also feel a positive change on the outside.
Your skin becomes more pronounced and prettier.
And as they say: a healthy body leads to a healthy mind.
And in my opinion, healthy body gives you a healthy appearance.

It shifts troublesome constipation

Feel lighter! With Nnendu Organic Detox  you solve the problem of constipation.
Where's the proof? Ingredients of Nnendu Organic Detox stimulate peristalsis - the movement of the intestines that removes faeces.
Nnendu Organic Detox  roams throughout the gastrointestinal tract, absorbs water and finally increases the volume of your stools.
It brings the correct rhythm back to your bowel movements. You'll experience a bowel movement every day or at least every other day. And most importantly, it's painless.
If you've ever been unable to relieve yourself for days on end, you'll know exactly what we're talking about... No one’s going to wonder what's keeping you in the toilet for so long.
Nnendu Organic Detox  works smoothly and in a controlled manner. It regulates the body's work and digestive processes. It relieves occasional gas, bloating and indigestion.
It works like a broom, sweeping away undigested remains of food from the intestines. And your toilet will bear witness to its effectiveness.
Ill woman

Strengthen your immune system

People confirmed: fibre strengthens immunity
  • When you consume Nnendu Organic Detox  you cleanse your body.
  • Detoxing means your immune system works more effectively.
  • Viruses, bacteria and fungi are effectively fought off by your enhanced and balanced immune system.
The result: you'll feel sick less frequently.
Heart and graph

It helps reduce cholesterol

Put an end to heightened cholesterol! Nnendu Organic Detox is a friend to your heart – it takes care of the appropriate level of good HDL cholesterol and also lowers levels of bad cholesterol.
Its formula removes bile acids from the intestine. And reducing bile acids allows your body to get rid of excess bad cholesterol.
You can still eat what you like.
Why should you care about the right level of HDL cholesterol?
Because getting the level rights reduces the risk of cancer, protects against heart disease and atherosclerosis.
Energy - woman on the meadow

Energy for the whole day

Replace fatigue with fresh stores of energy Because Nnendu Organic Detox  systematically protects your body,
it automatically improves your overall health.
You feel a significant improvement in your physical wellbeing.
After our detox treatment, your body will work at its very best. All organs will perform more efficiently and that translates into better health for you.
You gain peace of mind, new levels of energy and a better quality of life.

So does Nnendu Organic Detox
really work?

Why the Internet rather than pharmacy or herbal store?
I've visited many different doctors and spent a lot of money on medications but nothing helped. In the end I started to look on the Internet and I came across your product. I read about fibre and I bought it.
I told my doctor about it and asked if there were any contraindications to using fibre.
This is what the doctor said: "Just where did you buy it? Give me the address! Because if I could prescribe dietary fibre on prescription, I would prescribe it to every patient. There just aren't any good products with fibre at the pharmacy."

What was the main reason you bought dietary Nnendu Organic Detox ?
I had a pretty big problem with my intestines. It wasn't with my overall health. I felt a huge weight in my stomach that left me feeling uncomfortable all the time. My stomach felt hard, I had problems with my bowels ... lots of problems.
But after just seven to 10 days of using Nnendu Organic Detox , I noticed a big improvement!
More importantly, I was drinking more water. My intestines started moving and working much better.
I must admit that before Nnendu Organic Detox I took a lot of expensive drugs that did nothing.
Would you recommend Nnendu Organic Detox others?
I have already recommended it! Firstly to colleagues. We are at an age when everyone has already developed bowel problems.
When someone mentions health problems, I immediately recommend Nnendu Organic Detox. Everyone I'd given this advice to and who has tried it has been helped.
Do you need a treatment?
See if you need Nnendu Organic Detox
Mark statements in accordance the truth:
Your score is  
If your quiz result shows 1 or more then you should seriously consider detoxing with Nnendu Organic Detox .

Is Nnendu Organic Detox  enough?

Nnendu Organic Detox  greatest strength lies... with itself!
 Nnendu Organic Detox  works multi-dimensionally. What does that mean?
You are currently using a computer or mobile device. You carry out dozens of tasks on it each day. For instance, you can check your email, you can read the news, you can watch movies, you can discover new products – this one unit is responsible for all effects. The same is true for Nnendu Organic Detox .
You use it and it affects the performance of your whole body. It improves your physical health bit by bit, one day at a time for a few %. It cleanses your body from dirt, toxins and sludge. Every day.
You don’t need anything else to detox your body. Only water. Drink it together with Nnendu Organic Detox in large quantities (1.5 - 3l per day).

How to use Nnendu Organic Detox?

Get yourself a glass of lukewarm water. It can be boiled or bottled (still water).
Take your free scoop from the package, measure out 11 ml and pour into a glass. Mix in the water and wait. Let the grains swell slightly before you drink them. It only takes a minute.
Repeat this twice a day - once before breakfast and then 5 minutes before dinner.
The serving size before meals acts by reducing appetite, filling the stomach and cleansing the intestines.

The secret of Nnendu Organic Detox's effectiveness

Nnendu Organic Detox consists of 80% Nigerian 
Its swelling index in 2013 is 13-15, and for other species is usually in the range of 10-12.
The swelling index, put simply, indicates how many times psyllium expands its volume after eating it in the stomach.
It's simple: the higher index is, the better. And the better it is the more effectively the seeds cleanse and support the work of your intestines.
Cultivation of the Plantago psyllium seeds we use in Fibre Primvital is strictly supervised at all times so you can be assured of the quality of our ingredients.
The herbal company provides farmers seeds for sowing, advises and trains them in cultivation and food safety.
What impact does Plantago psyllium have on the body? Brown, small Plantago psyllium seeds swell in the intestines and significantly increase their volume.
That gives them a laxative effect and helps them to further regulate the activity of your intestines.
Breaking news: doctors are now considering use of psyllium as a treatment to prevent swings in mood and depression.

Order now and start
to detox your body!

Just as flowers need regular watering, so the body needs proper care. Take good care of it. Try to live a healthy lifestyle and let your body work in accordance with nature by using the natural herbs of Plantago psyllium and Plantago ovate seed shells.
This unique blend creates a health supplement that cleanses your body and provides it with loving care.
Activate your own internal doctor who unlocks a flow of pleasant energy and takes care of you seven days a week.
It will protect you when you sleep, when you rest or when you spend a long day at work. Block the way for toxins and pollutants and you will feel close to the perfect quality of life.
Now's the right time. Take the challenge, order Fibre Primvital today (fresh supply).

How to get the best results?

"Fibre Primvital works best if your body is well hydrated and so we recommend drinking 1.5 to 3 litres of water each day. Drink large amounts of water during all meals.
Very few people know that the large intestine of adult person houses 17-33 pounds of fecal stones and that a person can carry them for all his life.
Predominantly after the age of 40 the colon is so filled with stones that they displace other organs from their proper places, making it difficult for the liver, kidneys and lungs to do their jobs.
This is the most important cause of diseases" - Michał Tombak
"During the autopsy of John Wayne, who died of colorectal cancer, over 22 pounds of fecal matter was pulled from his abdomen and, even though he was dead, worms (parasites) were still alive in this mass."

Shocking test

Take the beet juice test!
What colour is your urine after drinking beetroot soup?
What colour? Red!
Red pigment got into your blood stream, which may a symptom of a leaky gut.
The blood is circulated throughout the body. The kidneys filter the blood and urine ends up red.
And what has this test shown us? That the intestines are leaking.
Beets probably won’t hurt you, but... through these leaks toxins, bacteria, yeast flow into the blood. Need I continue...?
Be sure to seal and heal the intestine.

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